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Showing posts from September, 2017

Praying for opportunities to serve!

Praying for opportunities to serve!  Another week down!  I can't believe how fast this week has gone by.  This has been the fastest week by far.  We do the same thing every day here in the ccm, but ill talk about some of the things that have stood out this week.  They finally made me get a haircut this week, I went sooo long without cutting it haha.  I had the longest hair in the ccm by far.  My hair looks so bad now, it looks like a 5-year-old cut it.  The lady who cut it even said it wasn't her best haircut.  Oh well haha.  Doesn't even matter.    First off, just cause you're in the walls of the ccm doesn't mean you can still preach the gospel baby!!  We have been talking with Tony and Jose a lot lately (the construction workers we gave the book of Mormons to) Tony is already in Mosiah, and Jose( the man the hermanas taught) reads the book of Mormon with his family every day.  It's kind of hard to talk to t...
Hello Everyone.  Can't believe I made it to another P day.  I love P days haha.  its so nice to have a break once a week.  We are going to the temple today and I am sooo excited.  Not sure if im gonna be able to remember everything that happened this week but I will try my best.  I have been sick with a pretty bad cold for the last four weeks so that has been rough.  There has been a lot of little things adding up this week which has been making things hard, sometimes I start to feel sad and feel bad for myself, then I just remember that I am not here for myself, and I forget about myself and start working harder.    There was another earthquake on Tuesday , It was kinda scary.  We were in our casa getting ready to go to the gym when all the sudden everything starts shaking and we hear the alarm.  We ran outside to the earth quake circles, and you could hear everything rattling.  Its a pretty weird feeling when ...
This week went by soooo fast i cant believe it.  The first week went by really slow, but now its picking up and its scary, cause I feel like I should know more spanish haha.  Now that I have been here a couple weeks the schedule is pretty much the same every day.  We wake up at  5:45  to work out, breakfast is at 7:15 , then we go to class until lunch, then we go to class until dinner, then we study until its time to go back to our houses.  The days are long but the weeks go by really fast.  I have been wearing my glasses a lot lately and everyone says I look like Harry Potter lol.  Everyone also calls me the chemist cause im always using doterra haha.  Ive been having sooooo much fun here.  It's really hard learning a new language and being away from home, but I love it.         There is a lot of construction at the MTC right now, and there are construction workers everywhere.  My teacher thought it would be...

The Beginning

These past ten days have been crazyyyy.  Everyone says this but it seriously feels like ive been here for two months, and its been 10 days haha.  Time goes by really slow but it also goes by way fast.  I cant really explain it.  This is a spanish keyboard so its kinda confusing lol.  Today we went to get our visas. We drove to downtown mexico and let me tell ya mexican drivers are savages.  They could care less.  Everyone is cutting each other off.  The biggest car gets the right of way.  There were motorcycles riding on the wrong side of the road against traffic it was so funny.  People walk around the freeway in between cars selling food, we were laughing so hard.  The mexico mtc is so pretty.  There are huge palm trees everywhere and we are surrounded by huge green mountains.  We live in houses and its basically just a big neighborhood full of missionaries on the mtc campus.  Ive been having so much fun here. ...