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April 16th 2018

Hey guys super awesome week this week!  I hope you are all doing well! Its starting to get superrr hot here, and its just gonna keep on getting hotter!  There is something here called the canicula and its the time of year when its over 110 degrees everyday for like 3 months!  My parents sent me a projector! Its super super small, about the size of an iphone.  We are gonna use it for lessons and family nights with investigators and members.  Gonna be super sick!  We are having a noche de rama (family night but as a branch) and we are gonna watch coco! then we are gonna talk about the plan of salvation after!

   Not a ton happened this week, the zone leaders came down on Tuesday, its always fun to work with them and change things up a little.  Up until Saturday we were just contacting and contacting with a few appts in between.  On sat one of our old investigators called us up that we hadn't seen in a really long time.  This man completely changed his life when we taught him.  He stopped drinking, quit smoking, and threw his earrings on the floor during a lesson haha.  He changed everything but... he never felt ready for baptism.  We stopped visiting him as much and until Saturday we hadn't seen him in a couple weeks.  When he called us he asked us if we could visit him, we went over, taught him, and set a date for the 28th of this month!!  I'm so excited for Esteban, we have been working with him for such a long time.  We are also teaching a couple named José and Elisa, and we are getting really close to baptism with them!! 

   We gave talks again this week!  I don't mind giving talks anymore haha.  I talked about faith and how we can help our faith to grow.  In Alma 32 it talks about the seed of faith.  At first our faith is really small, like a tiny seed.  We can help our little seed grow when we give it water ( pray) when it gets light  ( reading the scriptures) and when we do these little things, our little seed (faith) starts to grow.  little by little.  It will start out as a little plant, then it will become a small tree, and our faith will continue to grow until it is a giant tree that touches the heavens.  We have weaknesses in our lives that keep us from doing these things that help our faith.  In ether 12 we are taught that if we come unto Christ with humble hearts, he will show us what our weakness is and he will make that weakness strong.  Nephi also was an amazing prophet of God, but he had to work hard to get to where he was spiritually.  He coudn't become the strong man of God he was de la nada. He had to work at it little by little.  Nephi himself said "And thus we see that by small means the lord can bring about great things"

   -Elder Atkin


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